Four Leaf Clover

Therapy for Depression

What is Depression?

Depression is one of the most common mental health problems that affect children, teenagers, and adults. Sometimes depression is triggered by grief or losing a loved one, major life changes, and isolation. People who are depressed may experience a sense of hopelessness, despair, worthlessness or guilt (in children or teenagers this may appear as irritability), difficulty concentrating, changes in eating and/or sleeping habits, fatigue or loss of energy, decreased interest or pleasure in activities, recurring thoughts of death or suicide.

How Can Therapy Help Depression?

Help for Wellness provides Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to help people participate in positive daily activities to combat lack of motivation. Therapy for depression also focuses on negative thoughts that are very common in depression. Understanding that these thoughts may not be 100% accurate and developing more realistic ways of thinking can help to alleviate symptoms and deal with depression. We also love providing values-based motivation and helping people find the meaning and purpose in their lives that has been there all along!

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Help for Wellness (HFW) provides online therapy services for California, Washington, and Utah residents to help them unlock their potential to live healthier, happier, and more fulfilled lives. We also offer workshops, talks, and consultation services.